Flying and Gliding in the ATC

Shoe polishing
Uniform care
Flying is what the ATC's all about. Well, most of it. Because we're attached to the RAF (yes we are, we wear their uniforms, use their ranks and the people in charge of us are RAF officers) it's a useful perk that they let us go and use and abuse their aircraft.

A Grob 115E Tutor Powered flight is undertaken in the Grob 115E Tutor, a single-engined two-seat monoplane. It's small and compact, easy to fly, reasonably comfortable and forgiving of mistakes. Your flight in it will last roughly half an hour, though if you're unlucky it'll be only 25 mins and if you're very lucky it can get as long as 40 mins! And if you're as lucky as I was you might even get to land the machine!!!
What you do in the air varies. In your first Tutor flight you'll be shown the basic controls, what they do, how and why they work, and you might get the chance to handle the controls in the air. On later flights you'll be shown the more advanced controls such as the trimmers and the rudder. Sometimes you'll get to do aerobatics, that is, barrel rolls or loops.

Once I've been gliding I can write about that. Until then...

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